How To Find Your Confidence, One Step at a Time

I knew this would be a challenging week, but after a year of setting myself up for success, everything happened as planned. I completed two successful hikes to Mt. Washington and Granite Lakes, took a two-day Wilderness First Aid class, taught an energizing in-person seminar at the Mountaineers clubhouse, and assisted clients in new ways. …

A Failed Perfect Plan: How To Reap the Rewards

By Guest Blogger Gerard Bonfils My June 2022 plan (note from the editor: Gerard is a MASTER planner!) was to hike 280 miles on the Pacific Crest Trail in northern California. I started training in late 2021 so that I would begin my trek in peak form. When not training, I spent hours learning everything …

Seize the Moment and Ditch the Old To-Do List

I am in the midst of preparing for a week-long birding trip with my husband. This will be the first together without our daughter in eighteen years. This morning my long “to-do” list closed in on me. I thought back to the last four days of our Alaska vacation in which “winging it” brought about …

How to Improve Communication: Reduce Complaining

This past weekend, my husband and I were discussing how ubiquitous complaining has become. I suddenly realized how often I complain to my journal. Frequently unconsciously. My husband whipped out one of his gems. “The quality of the language we use dictates the quality of the communication we have with ourselves and others.” I vowed …

Gap and Gain a Powerful Paradigm Shift for the Brain

Every so often I read a book expecting one thing but finding something completely different. Or I come across advice that I need at a specific low moment. Dan Sullivan’s book, The Gap and The Gain: High Achievers’ Guide to Happiness, Confidence, and Success, delivered both. It provided a powerful paradigm shift decades overdue and …