How to Embrace a Beginner’s Mindset: From Peaks to Peace

Having just completed the NBC-HWC certifying exam this week, I’ve been contemplating what I’ve learned about myself over the past fifteen months. This week, I share the value of embracing a beginner’s mindset, particularly as it relates to hiking with two new partners. Beginner’s Mindset in Coaching After 40 years of hiking, I’m still learning …

Expect the Unexpected: How to Embrace the Journey

My most recent hikes to Tiger and Cougar Mountains, and Rainbow, Island, and Olallie Lakes have paralleled my discoveries as I prepare for my July 22 NBHWC Board exam. Each hike has reminded me to embrace the journey, not just the destination, and to expect the unexpected. Expect the Unexpected: Bear on High Point Trail …

Stage of Change: How to Journey from Resistance to Growth

En route to the NBC-HWC credential exam in July, I continue to hike weekly to provide massive self-care as I digest copious amounts of study material. During the past three weeks, I’ve examined the Transtheoretical Model of Change (TTM) and how it relates to my recent activities. They include hikes to the ridge above Thompson …

How to Evoke Change by Hiking McClellan Butte

Last week I shared how the acronym, DARN CAT, helps me identify change talk. To test whether it helps evoke change that lasts — and grows — I set my sights on hiking McClellan Butte. My reasons included: So, early Tuesday morning, May 28, Ajax and I arrived at the McClellan Butte parking lot before …

DARN CAT: How to Use Change Talk on Recent Hikes

During the past few weeks, Ajax and I have been exploring the trails leading to Rainbow and Island Lake, Pratt Lake Basin, and Dirty Harry’s Peak. On our hikes, I’ve reviewed countless acronyms for my upcoming coaching exam. One that was tricky to learn was DARN CAT, an acronym taken from Miller and Rollnick’s classic …