Expect the Unexpected: How to Embrace the Journey

My most recent hikes to Tiger and Cougar Mountains, and Rainbow, Island, and Olallie Lakes have paralleled my discoveries as I prepare for my July 22 NBHWC Board exam. Each hike has reminded me to embrace the journey, not just the destination, and to expect the unexpected. Expect the Unexpected: Bear on High Point Trail …

How to Evoke Change by Hiking McClellan Butte

Last week I shared how the acronym, DARN CAT, helps me identify change talk. To test whether it helps evoke change that lasts — and grows — I set my sights on hiking McClellan Butte. My reasons included: So, early Tuesday morning, May 28, Ajax and I arrived at the McClellan Butte parking lot before …

Surrender Control: How to Focus on Skills and Habits Instead

Sometimes life feels like it is spinning out of control. Pet care disappears before a trip. A health diagnosis or injury catches you off guard. Money issues leave you feeling unprepared. Worries pile up. An event ends with a different outcome than you expected. It happens. What if you surrender control, and instead, focus on …

How to Grow a Hiking Practice: Join Court on Squak Mountain

2023 ended for me with a hike on Margaret’s Way (Squak Mountain) with my good friend Pam, who was visiting from Arizona over the holidays. On January 2nd, Ajax and I ushered in 2024 with a solo hike to Central Peak from the south side of Squak. Both got me thinking about what I’d like …

Hiking Break: the Skill and Art of the Perfect Pause

Another shout-out goes to KJ for providing this week’s blog topic. He asked for advice on rest stops during hikes. Let’s take a closer look at the perfect pause: the skill — and art — of the hiking break. When Is a Good Time for a Hiking Break? The short answer to “When should I …