Expect the Unexpected: How to Embrace the Journey

My most recent hikes to Tiger and Cougar Mountains, and Rainbow, Island, and Olallie Lakes have paralleled my discoveries as I prepare for my July 22 NBHWC Board exam. Each hike has reminded me to embrace the journey, not just the destination, and to expect the unexpected. Expect the Unexpected: Bear on High Point Trail …

Surrender Control: How to Focus on Skills and Habits Instead

Sometimes life feels like it is spinning out of control. Pet care disappears before a trip. A health diagnosis or injury catches you off guard. Money issues leave you feeling unprepared. Worries pile up. An event ends with a different outcome than you expected. It happens. What if you surrender control, and instead, focus on …

Take Action Before Motivation: How to Get Unstuck

Excessive heat and poor air quality make everything more challenging. (Wildfires are burning in the Pacific Northwest.) Fortunately, most of my Body Results clients are climbing or have finished their summer adventures, so I am calling late August my “summer vacation.” But not without plenty of hard work. In addition to working through my 20-week-long …

Expect the Unexpected in Whittaker Wilderness

Making your way through obstacles, struggles, and change is tough work. Especially when your obstacles blindside you. Ajax, my daughter, and I explored the Whittaker Wilderness and environs on Cougar Mountain. And the best tip I can supply from that trip is to expect the unexpected. Previous Blog Posts Such an idea is not new …

How to Assess Progress on Cougar Mountain

Tuesday morning, Ajax and I explored 7.5 miles of trails on Cougar Mountain. One of the things I love about both Tiger Mountain State Forest and Cougar Mountain Regional Wildland Park with its 35 miles of winding trails is the opportunity to explore lots of different areas of the park. Our ramble gave me three …