How to Make Change Stick: Client Questions Answered

We’re halfway through March Madness. I’ve set an intention to complete all of my practicum coaching sessions by March 31. The NBC-HWC (National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach) certification requires fifty before we can sit for the 5-hour final in July. My clients and I have had so much fun and success that I …

How to Make Healthy Snack Choices

A question clients often ask me is: What constitutes a healthy snack? The answer varies widely. I’ve shared the concept of “nudging the notch” where we try to make “one step better” choices. I’ve also written about identifying your protein needs which can be a starting point in choosing snacks. Below, I share additional tips …

I Am Enough: Acrostic Poems about Change and Growth

This post is for all my readers who might be facing fears or dealing with the concept of “good enough.” I offer five acrostic poems starting with the letters in “I AM ENOUGH.” Each focuses on an aspect of change and growth. To create these acrostics, I combined all of my fall coursework into one …

How to Use Journal Prompts to Embrace Autumn Change

This week provided a deep dive into furthering my education. Self-study material for becoming an NBC-HWC (National Board-Certified Health and Wellness Coach). Enrollment in a course called The Art of Journal Coaching. Precision Nutrition’s 8-week course about Chat GPT. Learning about lymph and fluid flow and the power of the tongue from the Tongue Mojo …

Protein Needs: How to Assess Whether You Get Enough

A question Body Results clients frequently ask is, “What should I eat?” followed closely by “How much?” Just as no two people have matching fingerprints, our dietary preferences, carbohydrate, fat, and protein needs, and programs differ as well. This week we look at how to assess your unique protein needs with helpful input from my …