How to Embrace a Beginner’s Mindset: From Peaks to Peace

Having just completed the NBC-HWC certifying exam this week, I’ve been contemplating what I’ve learned about myself over the past fifteen months. This week, I share the value of embracing a beginner’s mindset, particularly as it relates to hiking with two new partners. Beginner’s Mindset in Coaching After 40 years of hiking, I’m still learning …

Stage of Change: How to Journey from Resistance to Growth

En route to the NBC-HWC credential exam in July, I continue to hike weekly to provide massive self-care as I digest copious amounts of study material. During the past three weeks, I’ve examined the Transtheoretical Model of Change (TTM) and how it relates to my recent activities. They include hikes to the ridge above Thompson …

How to Coax New Hikers at Annette Lake

Now that my daughter and I have joined forces to hike together this summer, I have adjusted our process. How many rests do we need? How long should each rest be so it restores us without leaving either of us cold? What is the best way to keep younger hikers interested and occupied? For that …

How to Reign in Your Inner Critic Through Journaling

Last week I shared a blog post about getting massive leverage on ourselves. Below, I share a journaling technique that helped me get through the first week of breaking an old habit. The exercise may seem esoteric or woo-woo, but it has helped me tap into wisdom I never knew I had. It has made …