How to Embrace a Beginner’s Mindset: From Peaks to Peace

Having just completed the NBC-HWC certifying exam this week, I’ve been contemplating what I’ve learned about myself over the past fifteen months. This week, I share the value of embracing a beginner’s mindset, particularly as it relates to hiking with two new partners. Beginner’s Mindset in Coaching After 40 years of hiking, I’m still learning …

Keep It Simple And Good Enough in Your 2022 Goals

You may have noticed in the past six months that I adore playing with words. In October, I coined OcTraPiMo for “October Trash Pick-up Month.” To kick off the new year, my accountability partner, Elena Hartwell Taylor, a developmental editor at Allegory Editing, suggested a new word from a phrase I used. Keeping it “Simple …