How to Overcome Obstacles: Three Recent Examples

This week, I’ve continued to explore ways to overcome obstacles and see them as wins. A hike to Whittaker Wilderness Peak involved navigating physical obstacles and helping participants appreciate the puzzle in the challenge. The second, shifting my mindset, helped me reframe a lifelong internal, mental battle. The third, early preparation success, was a logistical …

Create a Better Bedtime Routine: Break the Screen Habit

Several clients are trying to increase energy and enhance productivity by building better sleep habits. Two things they have in common are 1) reporting exhaustion and 2) excessive evening screen time. I get it. We live in some fearful times. Many folks scroll to relax, chill, fill time, entertain, cope, or numb. Remember that all …

How To Find Your Confidence, One Step at a Time

I knew this would be a challenging week, but after a year of setting myself up for success, everything happened as planned. I completed two successful hikes to Mt. Washington and Granite Lakes, took a two-day Wilderness First Aid class, taught an energizing in-person seminar at the Mountaineers clubhouse, and assisted clients in new ways. …

Create New Meaning: Connection, Solitude, and Mindset Shifts

Hiking has renewed my energy in 2025. Each hike I have led for the Mountaineers in the last two weeks has taught me about connection, solitude, and mindset shifts. Following the energy is helping me create new meaning in my outings. On New Year’s Eve, our Whittaker Wilderness and Doughty Falls hike provided a sense …

My First Hike Lead: Finding Myself on the Trail

Last summer I experienced two setbacks related to hiking partners. My dog Ajax injured his leg, and a hiking buddy shared her plan to move. In response, I decided to look for new hiking partners. Becoming a hike leader with the Mountaineers required completing 3 hikes, offering a mentored lead hike, and getting additional training. …