How To Find Your Confidence, One Step at a Time

I knew this would be a challenging week, but after a year of setting myself up for success, everything happened as planned. I completed two successful hikes to Mt. Washington and Granite Lakes, took a two-day Wilderness First Aid class, taught an energizing in-person seminar at the Mountaineers clubhouse, and assisted clients in new ways. …

Mt. Washington: How to Set Intentions

My recent adventures on Mt. Wrightson (in SE Arizona) had me wondering how my next hike in the Cascades would go. Last week Ajax and I hiked one of my favorite trails, Mt. Washington. I wanted to apply newly learned lessons in familiar conditions. The mountains were calling and I had to go… But this …

Solo Hiking: Nine Ways It Enhances Your Freedom

Several weeks ago on Tiger Mountain, a pair of women stopped to ask me a few questions about my experience of solo hiking as a female. Did I feel comfortable hiking with only my dog as a companion? (Yes.) Did he give me a sense of safety and security in bear country? (Definitely.) Would I …